VANCOUVER: A special prosecutor will look into criminal charges against four policemen who confronted a Polish traveler who died after being stunned with a Taser gun, officials said on Friday. Robert Dziekanski, 40, died in late 2007 just minutes after being stunned five times with a Taser gun and then restrained by four policemen at the airport in this Pacific Coast metropolis.Airport workers called police after Dziekanski, a nervous first-time traveler who spoke only Polish, threw a computer and a chair. He was emigrating to Canada, where his mother lived, and after arriving became mysteriously lost in the airport for about 10 hours. He grew distraught after finally emerging to find his mother gone, after an official told her he was not there. British Columbia Attorney General Michael de Jong told reporters he will immediately appoint a special prosecutor to look at the police actions — reversing a 2008 decision by the prosecutor’s office to not place charges. His statement came minutes after the release of the final report of an inquiry into Dziekanski’s horrific death. Thomas Braidwood, who heads an inquiry commission, found police were not justified in using the Taser. Five jolts from the stun gun and a physical struggle with the four police officers “contributed substantially to Mr Dziekanski’s death,” he said.


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