WASHINGTON: The US commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, made an “enormous mistake” in his remarks to a magazine, the White House said Tuesday, refusing to rule out that he may be fired.

“Without a doubt, General McChrystal, as Secretary Gates has said, has made an enormous mistake,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, adding President Barack Obama had summoned the general for talks on Wednesday.

Gibbs would not say whether McChrystal would be fired, but said “all options are on the table.”

A profile in Rolling Stone magazine quoted McChrystal's aides mocking Vice President Joe Biden and one said the general was “disappointed” after his first Oval Office meeting with Obama.

McChrystal was quoted as saying he felt “betrayed” by US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, a former military commander there, for challenging his strategy in a memo later leaked to the press.

Gibbs said Obama read the Rolling Stone article late Monday. “He was angry.” Asked whether the personality conflicts would have a negative impact on policy, Gibbs said.

“The president doesn't believe that personalities, whatever your disagreements are, or whatever your disagreements were, should distract from the strategy to get Afghanistan right.”


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