Joy as Chile miners reach surface

Posted by News Wednesday, October 13, 2010 , ,

The first miner to be rescued was Florencio Avalos
The first nine of 33 miners trapped underground for more than two months in northern Chile have been winched to the surface amid scenes of jubilation. Florencio Avalos was first to be freed, at 0010 local time (0310 GMT).
He was greeted by family and hugged by President Sebastian Pinera. Also to emerge were the only non-Chilean, Bolivian national Carlos Mamani, and the youngest and oldest miners.
In an address at the mine, Mr Pinera declared the rescue a miracle.
The operation has run smoothly so far. Health Minister Jaime Manalich said that if working conditions stayed the same, the rescue should be completed in one-and-a-half days, half a day quicker than predicted.Thumbs-up
The rescue operation began shortly after 2315 local time (0215 GMT) with a technical expert, Manuel Gonzalez, being lowered down the 624m (2,047ft) rescue shaft.
Mr Gonzalez was supposed to return to the surface and report on the condition of the shaft, and then repeat the journey, before handing over to a paramedic.


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