Jordan's King Abdullah II warned that the Middle East may see another war if the issue of settlements is not resolved as part of the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
Abdullah made his remarks Thursday night during an appearance on the "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart."
"If we fail on the 30th [of September], expect another war by the end of the year. And more wars in the region over the coming years," Abdullah said.
Abdullah was referring to the next round of peace talks that could start around the same time the moratorium on building Israeli settlements in the disputed West Bank territory is due to expire.
Tensions have been growing over the issue of possible new
Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Israel has been under pressure from the Palestinians and the Obama administration to extend a 10-month moratorium on building Israeli settlements in the disputed West Bank territory.
That moratorium is set to expire Sunday.
Palestinians have said the construction would torpedo the talks, but Israel says some construction is likely.
Abdullah said he hoped this issue of settlements could be solved.
"If the issue of settlements are still at the table on 30th, then everybody walks away. If they do, how are we going to get people back in the near future. I don't see that happening," Abdullah told Stewart. "We are at a defining crossroads of whether we are going to go down in the abyss or not."


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